SVUSD Wireless Networks

You may have noticed some changes to available wireless networks this year. Which one should you use? Here is what the networks are designed for:

SVSTAFF - For teacher and staff devices, either district-provided or personal. Log in with your Saddleport username and password.

SVSTUDENT - For students' personal devices. Log in with Saddleport username and password.

SVGUEST - This is a hidden network for use by non-student, non-staff personal devices. It is very slow, has low bandwidth, and limited access. To get a username and password for an outside presenter or other guest, see your site tech assistant or office manager.

SV_CHROME - This is a managed network for district-owned chromebooks.

SV_MOBILE - This is a managed network for other district-owned devices.

For now, you will still see two older networks, SVCHROME and SVMOBILE. These are in the process of being replaced by the two listed above, and will be shut off later this school year.


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