Personal/Professional Learning Network or Personal Learning Community has been a big buzz word the last 5 years. It's just a fancy phrase for educators who meet regularly to share ideas and grow their craft. What I have found is that many teachers don't expand their PLC beyond their own school or district. Ten years ago it would have been prohibitive to meet with teachers from across your county or even State on a regular basis...but not in 2016. With the power of social media and the internet, we can connect and learn from teachers all over the world, whenever we want. It also opens the door to connect with other classrooms from around the world (modern version of Penpals!)
Sketchnote created by +Sylvia Duckworth, her Twitter page is here
What is the best way to get started?
#1 Try Twitter- Really, just try it. I never caught on to Twitter for personal use, so when a co-worker suggest I use it to expand my PLN I cleaned off the 5 tweets I had from 2010 and started fresh. I use Twitter for PLN stuff only, family and friends can find me on Instagram and FB. So create an account and start following your SVUSD EdTech department, and its individual contributors; Jen Anderson, Kathleen Shafer, Amanda Taylor, and Kevin Fairchild
Southern California Educators
Math: John Stevens, Matt Vaudrey
English: Dawn Lam
Science: Val Hutchins
*Social Science: Michael Milton, Melissa Seideman,
*Not local
Another great page to follow is Teachers Give Teachers, in additional to running a twitter page they have now launched an official website where you can share resources (mainly HyperDocs).
Did we miss anyone? Let us know and we will add them to our list. Stay tuned for a deeper look into using Twitter as the best free source of PD available.
Sketchnote created by +Sylvia Duckworth, her Twitter page is here
What is the best way to get started?
#1 Try Twitter- Really, just try it. I never caught on to Twitter for personal use, so when a co-worker suggest I use it to expand my PLN I cleaned off the 5 tweets I had from 2010 and started fresh. I use Twitter for PLN stuff only, family and friends can find me on Instagram and FB. So create an account and start following your SVUSD EdTech department, and its individual contributors; Jen Anderson, Kathleen Shafer, Amanda Taylor, and Kevin Fairchild
Southern California Educators
Math: John Stevens, Matt Vaudrey
English: Dawn Lam
Science: Val Hutchins
*Social Science: Michael Milton, Melissa Seideman,
*Not local
Another great page to follow is Teachers Give Teachers, in additional to running a twitter page they have now launched an official website where you can share resources (mainly HyperDocs).
Did we miss anyone? Let us know and we will add them to our list. Stay tuned for a deeper look into using Twitter as the best free source of PD available.
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