Padlet Can Do That!

Padlet is one of my favorite tech tools for sharing, collaborating, creating, and commenting. Digital citizenship can be infused into every lesson using Padlet.

When I was new to Padlet, I would usually default to only using it in two ways:

I would have my students respond to a video, article, or story on Padlet. Posting their responses gave them an authentic audience who could then give them feedback on what they wrote. After that activity, I would just "clear the Padlet" to use it on another day for another reflect/respond activity.

Another way I used it was to showcase student work.  Each student would post a project on Padlet. Later, each student would click on several classmates' creations and leave a positive comment, polite constructive note, or a question. I liked how posting work empowered students and commenting/reading others' comments engaged them. Those ways were a good start, but other teachers have shared more with me!

Here are my current favorites:
1. Prediction Activity- Students predict what they think will happen at the beginning of the story.  Later, they can refer back to the Padlet to see how close their guesses were.
2. Exit Ticket- The teacher can ask, "What did you learn today?" "What do you still wonder about?" "What didn't make sense to you today?" Teacher and students can refer back to the Padlet for discussion before moving on to the next lesson.
3. Whiteboard Answers- After responding on a whiteboard in partners, students can snap a photo of themselves holding their whiteboard and post it on the Padlet. It adds a personal and engaging touch. Who doesn't love a selfie?!
4. Video Collection- A teacher can gather instructional videos in one place.  Each video is clickable and viewable from the Padlet.  This is great for absent students as well as kids that need a quick review.

So why try it?  It's free, engaging, and easy to use!
Still not feeling it?  Schedule a TOSA (scroll to the bottom) for a little support as you try it for the first time with your class.  We're sure you'll be hooked!


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