Growth MindSet and the Summer!

Summer is almost here!  (Can I get a whoop whoop?!)  For teachers it is a time for restoration and reflection.  And it is needed!  ... on so many levels!!!!  Travel and reading (actually finishing a book and not reading and re-reading the same page every night before I fall asleep) and spending quality time with friends and family are just a few things that I look forward to every year.

But for me this summer, I also want to practice the core essentials of growth mindset that I have been learning this year.  I want to know my own areas where I have a fixed mindset and begin to challenge myself in new ways.  There are so many innovative books out there currently about education and 21st century learning that can help re-shape and inspire what learning can look like in the next few years.  There are digital communities and TED Talks that are sharing what STEM and innovation looks like in today's classroom that are waiting with open arms for teachers to join in and participate in.  There are opportunities for connected classrooms and breaking out of the four walls that contain our space that are begging for participation.  There are training and edcamps and and and .... And I want to figure out my lane and what is possible for me and start putting my new mindset into practice.

I admire teachers.  I value teachers.  I love partnering with teachers.  I appreciate teachers!  They are amazing. AMAZING!  So in the best kind of way, I want to encourage my teacher-friends to join me in finding one way this summer to practice growth mindset AND to join be in resting and restoring and enjoying every minute of this summer!
